Next Fixtures & Updates

  • *12-3-25 Wed @ 14.00 - Waldie Griffith v Borders AT KELSO * REVISED DATE*
  • 11-3-25 Tue @ 18.00 - Wingate 3 v 4
  • 16-3-25 Sun from 12.45 - EL Bonspiel v Athelstaneford & ???
  • 20-3-25 Thrs @ 20.15 - Skins A (Rennie) v Wingate winners
  • 4-4-25 Fri - Club Dinner & Prize Giving - Open Arms 19.00 for 19.30
  • Website last updated 6-3-25



Curling is a team sport, and curlers who meld as a team get the best from each other.
They are also worthy opponents.
Confidence comes from knowing what is expected of you and knowing you can do it.

These tips helped us when we started curling. They are still at the heart of every happy curler and successful team.

All players
If you can’t play a fixture it’s up to you to get someone else to play in your Team. Select a ® Reserve member wherever possible, then tell your Skip.

Full Rink. Will make sure their Rink is complete for every match.

Substitutes may play in any position at the Skip’s discretion but not higher than the position of the person he or she is replacing.

All players
Be ready, with suitable clothing, footwear and brush, to go on the ice immediately the Start-of-Session bell rings, and greet all other players.

Start of First End. Have a coin ready, and toss with the opposing Lead.
The winner of the toss usually asks the loser to choose the colour of stone they and their team will play, and to throw the first stone of the first End. (The team that plays the second stone will also play the last stone, which is an advantage.)

Start of Subsequent Ends. The Lead of the team winning an end plays the first stone of the next End.

Be in the Hack and ready to deliver promptly, especially your first stone of each End. After that, as time allows, organise your team’s stones.

Place your Skip’s stone at the Hack when he or she is due to play.

Keep the Score.

Agree with your counterpart that, after each End, one of you will write the Score Card and the other keep the Scoreboard up to date. 

Score cards should be completed with the date and names of all those on the ice.

Help your Lead organise your team’s stones after each End.

Support. If asked, tell the Skip how the stone is running.

Support and encourage the Lead and Second in their play.

Be in the Head when the Skip is playing his or her stones. The Thirds alone agree the number of scoring stones at the finish of each end and tell the Scorers.

Leadership. The Skip directs the game for his or her Team.

Goes to the Head to be played, and calls promptly for the first stone.

Gives a clear signal how each stone is to be played.

Calls or signals for sweeping to begin and end.

Always encourages the Team.

All players
Be ready to sweep or stop sweeping when the Skip or Acting Skip (Third) calls.

Sweep across the line the stone is moving.

Be careful not to touch the moving stone: if you do, tell your Skip immediately.

Only one member of each team may sweep behind the Tee Line.

When not playing, stay between the Hog Lines: only the Skip and Third may stand in or behind the Head being played.


All players
Thank your opponents.

Tally the Score Card and make sure both Skips sign it, then get it to the Secretary without delay.

If these tips have helped you, that’s good so far. When you want more information and advice don’t hesitate to ask our Skips.

If you want to know even more, you’ll find lots of information and the Rules of The Game on

Finally, if you have any views on what prospective or beginner curlers need to know, please tell one of us.