Next Fixtures & Updates

  • 9-10-24 Wed @ 18.00 - Wingate 1 v 2 -Opening Game
  • 14-10-24 Mon @ 17.30 - Wingate 3 v 4
  • 16-10-24 Wed @ 18.00 - Opening Bonspiel & Supper
  • 21-10-24 Mon @ 17.30 - Wingate 1 v 3
  • 26-10-24 Sat from 19.30 - Presidents Drinks - Wester Broomhouse
  • 30-10-24 Wed @ 18.00 - Wingate 1 v 4 and 2 v 3 & Supper
  • 1-11-24 Fri @ 19.45 - Rennie A v C - Opening Game
  • 2-11-24 Sat @ ???? - RCCC Rink Champs - All Rounds
  • 3-11-24 Sun @ 14.30 - Rennie A v D & B v C
  • Website last updated 20-9-24

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Update 17-9-24

The Syllabus (inside) has now been updated , this update includes most of the details for Province competitions. NB. The Bonspiel is on a Sunday, not Friday as per the issued version.  The date for the annual Dinner and Prizegiving has also been brought forward a week to Friday 4-4-25. 

A copy of the latest version has been included on the fixtures page and should be printable.  If anyone needs the current version of the syllabus sent to them (electronically) please email graeme and ask.

The Draws for External Competitions have also been added to the fixtures page.