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Monday, 18 December 2017

Rennie @ 50%

The new and enlarged Rennie reached the end of the first round with a couple of interesting results.  Both games went to the seemingly underdogs and both teams that won the most ends, ended up losing.
The undefeated Team Aberdein was in a top of the table clash with Team Morgan.  Willie Kerr, at the helm of Andy's team always seemed to hold a small advantage, whenever Morgan built up a good end, Willie would manage to get one stone into the middle of the pack that was impossible to dislodge.  With the score at 5 - 3 in Willies favour he left Morgan a draw, with backing, for a 2 and a peeled game.  Despite Graeme's advice, Morgan instead elected to play a heavy weight strike, with only a thin edge visible (and the necessity to catch the stone even finer).  When the debris had cleared, the measure was brought out and Morgan had made the necessary three and took the game
6 - 5 despite having lost four ends to three.  Andy had suffered his first defeat of the tournament.
Meanwhile, Rowena was also absent from her team, which was led by Lorna.  Lorna managed to engineer a 5 and a 4 shot ends in the second and fourth ends to take a commanding 9 - 2 lead.  Team Baird fought back with a win and a steal in the next two ends.  At this point Lorna, with brother Sandy subbing in third, seemed to relax and Colin, Hugh and both Donalds almost pulled off an unlikely come back.  Unfortunately they only managed a steal of 3 in the final end and narrowly lost out 9 - 8, despite having won five of the seven ends !
So at the half way point, Teams Aberdein and Nicoll Snr. are top with only one defeat each and the A Team topping the table by virtue of having won two more ends.  Teams Kerr Jun. and Baird are next, respectively one and two wins behind the leaders.  Meanwhile Teams Pate and Munro Jnr. are at the other end of the table with one win each.  Team Pate however has a relatively comfortable six end advantage over the junior squad.  If the table was to be determined on ends ONLY, the James Pate quartet would be in third place.

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