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Tuesday, 10 January 2017

President v Vice President

Maybe this is the first time this match has, in name if not in fact,
been won by a Vice President who was in the Caribbean at the time.
President John, encouraged by Willie Kerr, Lindsay Nicoll and David
Wyllie headed off the challenge by Morgan Nicoll, Sandy Nicoll and
Colin Baird with a seven to their five.
Dave Munro, Jack Kerr, Karen Munro and John Playfair, playing for the
President, finished with four shots, three behind James Pate with his
VP team of Roy Black, Liz Nicoll and Richard Taylor.
Result: The Vice President wins with a total of twelve shots to eleven.

It was good to have George Playfair, for many years one of our members
and possibly the most reliably consistent  lead some of us will have
curled with, watching the match and joining us for the supper which

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