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Monday, 20 October 2014

Balyarrow 2014 - Results

A stormy morning saw 14 of our boys and girls heading towards Greenacres for the 2014 running of the Balyarrow being hosted by Bridge of Weir who narrowly pipped us three years ago with a final stone, final end win.  Although an experienced team, we were without our stalwarts including no Logans, Pates or Kerrs and many of our team had not ventured to Greenacres before.
The morning session got off to a good start with Morgan's rink getting off to a huge 14-1 victory.  Andy McDiarmid took some time to get to grips with the ice before he also led his team to a big win.  This left Haddinton as the only club that had won both their morning games.
In the afternoon Dave's rink set about trying to beat Morgan's total of the morning and coming up one shot down with another emphatic win 17 - 5.  This left John Good with the opportunity for a clean sweep.  Although John's team led for a large part of the game the loss of a 7 left his team trailing (Imagine what the opposition skip could have done if he had sight in both eyes - sorry John).  It looked like a comeback was possible and they got within two shots before another big loss in the last end.
This left Haddington with 3 wins and 1 loss and this was enough to tie with the holders Bridge of Weir on points, however a superiority in ends, shots up and total shots meant that Haddington won the Trophy for the third time in its history . The rink of Morgan Nicoll, Shelagh Main, Simon Kesley and Graeme Maguire were named the best rink of the day, narrowly pipping Dave Munro, Morgan Nicoll (again), Sandy Nicoll and Stephen Dyer.
We all then sat down to a thoroughly satisfactory supper courtesy of Greenacres and left us wondering, which of us is going to organise the 2017 event at Murrayfield.  (Volunteers, please let Graeme know !!!)

Full results and answers to the quiz can be found at the bottom of the Balyarrow Page.

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