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Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Young v Old

Young 16 - 9 Old
Time has now gone by and the Oldies have finished licking their wounds, so at the risk of opening old sores here is the official report.
The Youth sqaud led by Lorna Nicoll with Karen Munro, Lorna Shaw and Angus Elder got off to a flying start against the Vice President's team (no names mentioned here to save embarrasment).  Indeed at the half way mark the only 'Granny' on the ice was for the all male Oldies team.
The kids built up a seven - nil scoreline after five ends before presumably remembering who was paying for their tea and petrol home.  They patronisingly allowed the Oldsters to take the last two ends for a final seven - three scoreline.
Things were a bit diffiernt, but only a bit, in the Presidents game.  Here the Youth team skipped by Sandy Nicoll, Jack Kerr, Hamish Logan and Douglas Pate allowed the first end to go to the opposition.  Having used that as a practice end the juniors then took the next three ends (including a steal of four).  The Younger team ran out Nine - Six winners
Young have now won the challenge for a second consecutive year.

(The Old Team was J R Good, D Munro, J Pate, G Elder, S Kesley, E Logan,G Maguire and M Nicoll)

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