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Monday, 21 October 2013

RCCC Rink Champs - Rnd 1

This is a summary of the events as they unfolded

You asked for a summary of the rink championship game against Stray Dogs (skipped by Kerry Barr) today, I’ll make it brief if you like – we lost!

To do the game justice though it was a very close game all the way and we were generally controlling the game most of the way. With an empty house in 1st end with hammer I made the choice to take the shot – it took the granny off! We played the following 2 ends very smoothly and following a blank 2nd, forced Kerry to hit and stick for a 1 in 3rd. We played a risky end in 4th and thanks to a pick-up on Kerry’s last stone which was meant to be a guard, I managed a double take-out to lie 2. We swapped singles over next 2 ends meaning we were going down last end 2 shots up. With my last stone I had a hit and stick to force Kerry to do the same to lead us into an extra end but my stone didn’t quite draw enough and rolled agonisingly to the edge of the 8 foot to leave them lying 1 and Kerry just had to draw 8 foot to get her 2. Considering she had already drawn the button to out count one of our stones which was touching the button 2 ends earlier it came as no surprise that she managed it easily. 

So to the extra end................. we played it more poorly than the previous 7 ends but after Kerry had played her last stone all I needed to do was do as Kerry had done on previous end and draw the 8 foot for the game............I came out at correct speed but gave it ever such a slight extra push and on the keen ice there was no stopping it! All the team of Andy Aberdein, Sandy Nicoll and James Pate could do was watch it trundle through to the back of the house leaving Stray Dogs the winning 2 shots and giving me a serious bout of curling type depression!

We gave our best and certainly played as well as, if not outplayed, the opposition for most of the game - all it came down to was one skip who could draw the button and the other who couldn’t hit the 8 foot!

Cheers Dave

It sounds like we gave them a very good game that was probably a lot closer than they expected.  It's just a shame that we kept our worst for last - and No, I don't mean Dave

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