Next Fixtures & Updates

  • *12-3-25 Wed @ 14.00 - Waldie Griffith v Borders AT KELSO * REVISED DATE*
  • 11-3-25 Tue @ 18.00 - Wingate 3 v 4
  • 16-3-25 Sun from 12.45 - EL Bonspiel v Athelstaneford & ???
  • 20-3-25 Thrs @ 20.15 - Skins A (Rennie) v Wingate winners
  • 4-4-25 Fri - Club Dinner & Prize Giving - Open Arms 19.00 for 19.30
  • Website last updated 6-3-25

Friday, 7 March 2025

President v Vice

President Andy & Family
With allegations (well one anyway) of Vice - President Andy (McD) having 'stacked' his teams, we took to the ice.  The two Andy's battled out a close game, for the first five ends anyway before President Andy (A) struck with a big end of 4.  Their game eventually going to the President 8 - 4. (So much for a stacked team!)

Meanwhile their deputes were having an altogether different game on the next sheet.  The Presidents pick started off sedately, but between taking a 5 in the third end and a 4 in the sixth AND restricting the Vice Presidents pick to a single end meant a very one sided game going to the 'underdogs' 15 - 3.

This meant that President Andy (A) retains the trophy and he and his team (Keith Anderson, Richard Taylor, Susan Stanton, Morgan Nicoll (skip), Hugh Braod and Roy Black) deserve praise for a colossal       21 - 7 victory.

A very convivial supper concluded the evening.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Rennie Winners

As forecast, the deciding game came down to Team Morgan v Team Munro Jnr (NOT Munro Snr - please fill in all the details on the cards, it saves me a lot of work).

Until the final two ends this was a close game then Team Morgan took a 3 in the second last end and followed that by stealing a 2 in the final end.  The final score was 9 - 5 to  the Morgan Nicoll Rink.

Congratulations to Morgan Nicoll, Andy McDiarmid, Keith Anderson/Simon Kesley and Susan Stanton.

There is still one game remaining between Ian Donald's team and Dave Munro's team, this will decide the 'spoon' winners.


Tuesday, 11 February 2025

What still needs done !

It may be getting near the end of the season but there are still some BIG games to be played.


Still tight as a tight thing.

The top two teams, Andy McD and Sandy have played each other for the last time and are still split by only 1 point.  They both still have to play James Pate and Andy A, who in turn still have to meet each other, as well.  All four teams could still claim the Rosebowl.


The long time leader Karen was beaten by her bottom placed father, which sees her relinquish her long held top spot. Her team now trails team Morgan by 2 points although she has a game in hand.  Interestingly though despite playing one less game than Morgan they have both won the same number of ends.  Morgan's last game will be against Karen in what could be the title decider.  The win for Dave also moves his team off the bottom of the table.  That 'honour' goes to Team Ian, although only on ends.  Team Ian also has a game in hand over Dave and good wins in his last two games (and a bit of luck) and he could still take the Quaich.  The only team that cannot win is Team Dave.  With Ian still having to play both Munro father and daughter, it looks like Dave's only remaining game against Ian could be the wooden spoon decider.


Especially in the run up to Christmas, I felt that I was always playing on sheet 2 which, at that time had some 'dodgy' ice.  As you know, I ask for sheet numbers to be recorded on the score sheets.  Following some analysis and omitting the 2 'unrecorded' sheets.  Over all our competitions, to date this year we have played on sheet 2 seven times! (so I wasn't making it up).  The next most popular sheet was 6 with six appearances.  Things then drop off dramatically with sheets 1 & 3 being played on 4 times and sheets 4 and 5 only three times.  Last nights game was the only time this season that we have played sheet 7 !  Points and pairs have not been included.

(This is the kind of thing that keeps me awake at nights!)

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Wingate @ 66%

The final game of round 2 saw all four teams close up.  There are now 3 teams on 3 wins and the final team is only one win behind them.  Leading the way is Team Sandy with three wins and one peel.  He is one point ahead of Team McDiarmid and Team James (P), who are separated by a single end.  Meanwhile bringing up the rear is the President's team, but still only two points away from leading the table.

I usually say that there is all still to play for and this time it is really true, with all the teams withing touching distance of the silverware.

Monday, 27 January 2025

Dinner & Prize Giving

Following confusion (by me) and conflicting information.  I confirm that the Dinner & Prize Giving will be:- 

FRIDAY 4th APRIL, 2025

7 for 7.30pm


Friday, 24 January 2025

Rennie @ 66%

 With two rounds completed and one to go, the Rennie is tightening up.  The two teams that had been leading the way, Team Karen and Team Ian, are both still up at the sharp end but there is now clear water between them. Their last two games both resulted in defeats.  Currently, Team Karen is in the lead by two points while Team Morgan has now rallied and is in second position but only two ends ahead of Ian Donald's squad.  Despite managing to double their seasons wins, the Munro Snr Rink trails by a further two points.

With three games to play (each) all of the teams are within two wins of the lead, so mathematically, anyone could still win.

Monday, 13 January 2025

EL Province KO

The first round of the Knockout produced a couple of surprises and see Aberlady and East Linton as the winners who will go forward to play each other in the Semi Final on 16th Feb at 3pm.  There they will join Yester and Dirleton who got byes and will play in the other Semi.  The Final will be played straight after at 5.15pm.

Haddington v East Linton was a close match but East Linton were largely in control over a very good (on paper if not on the day) Haddington side.

Meanwhile the very experienced Athelstaneford side, who played aggressively were beaten by a much younger and laid back team from Aberlady.

Good luck to the surviving four teams.

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Four Old Men and a Granny

Google image of
"granny + curling"
Congratulations to the 'younger members' of our club, particularly Sandy Nicoll, Euan Forbes, Hamish
Logan and Lindsey McConnell for reclaiming the Young v Old Title.  The last time that the Youngsters won this was over ten years ago, in Season 13/14, when the team was Lorna Nicoll, Karen Munro, Lorna Shaw and Angus Elder.

As you may have gathered from the title, this turned out to be a long and one sided game for the 'Oldies' who managed to win zero ends although they did find a lot of inventive ways of getting in for second shot. All credit must go to the winners who all played very steady and high class shots throughout and always had their opposition chasing !