Next Fixtures & Updates

  • *12-3-25 Wed @ 14.00 - Waldie Griffith v Borders AT KELSO * REVISED DATE*
  • 11-3-25 Tue @ 18.00 - Wingate 3 v 4
  • 16-3-25 Sun from 12.45 - EL Bonspiel v Athelstaneford & ???
  • 20-3-25 Thrs @ 20.15 - Skins A (Rennie) v Wingate winners
  • 4-4-25 Fri - Club Dinner & Prize Giving - Open Arms 19.00 for 19.30
  • Website last updated 6-3-25

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Resumption in January ??

Based on the (big) assumption that we will be able to resume curling in January the fixture list has been updated and can be viewed on the Fixtures Tab above.

It is our intention to run our leagues as single round robins, with a couple of games already completed in Sept & Oct.

We also intend to run the President v Vice President and Young v Old Competitions on their scheduled dates.  We will, however, NOT be running the Pairs Competition.  All revised fixtures have been highlighted.

All external and Province Competitions should be considered to be 'To be confirmed'

Monday, 2 November 2020

Closure til January 2021

As you are no doubt aware, Murrayfield has announced that it will be closed for Curling until January 2021 - see their notice, below.

It is our club's intention to Play the Wingate and Rennie competitions in Jan/Feb, using existing ice, where possible and run as single round robins (as opposed to double round robins).  All other games ie. Skins, Points, Pairs, Young v Old,Pres v Vice etc. will be cancelled for this season.  

We await to hear about Province and External Competitions etc.

Further news will appear on this website, including info on ice refunds, when the information comes to hand.

For any urgent information, please contact Graeme. 

Murrayfield Curling Limited 
Edinburgh Curling Club

It is with considerable regret that we, Murrayfield Curling Ltd, after consultation with Edinburgh Curling Club, have made the decision to suspend curling at Murrayfield until the end of December.

This decision became inevitable after full consideration of the details emanating from the Scottish Government’s announcement on Thursday 29th October.

For some weeks, we have been awaiting the outcome of lobbying of the Scottish Government by Scottish Curling with the assistance of SIRA (Scottish Ice Rink Association) to classify us as an indoor individual exercise activity, given the extensive efforts that we, along with all curling rinks in Scotland, have introduced to create as safe an environment as that required for individual adult exercise in gyms. To date we have not been successful and as result of the requirements of the Government’s Tier 3 conditions we as a sport are limited to group exercise for under 18s only. It is unfortunate for those members below the age of 18 that they are denied access, because self evidently the economics of running an ice rink for that age group only, are not sustainable.

Despite the hope that Edinburgh City, at the date of the next review on 9th November, may be reclassified as a Tier 2 local authority, which would remove the above over 18s restriction, there is no guarantee of that being the outcome. In any event, when taken along with the fact that travel from other local authority areas that we draw our membership from, with a higher Tier status, would not be allowed, it becomes enormously uncertain how many of our members would actually be able to curl. Waiting to see if matters would improve whilst continuing to incur costly levels of expenditure to maintain the ice is not a viable option and so we felt we had no option but to take the above decision.

Over the coming weeks, we will be evaluating the evolving situation with the possibility to start curling in January 2021 and we will advise you of our plans nearer that date. Those plans will be influenced by the willingness of Clubs to attempt to reschedule games already lost (and to be lost between now and December) and our ability to find ice times to match demand. We will be in touch with club secretaries over the coming days to discuss how they wish to proceed.

Friday, 30 October 2020

Curling Postponed - again

Due to recent government announcements, Murrayfield (curling) will remain closed until at least 9th November.

Further announcements will follow as information becomes available.

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Curling Update

We now know that Murrayfield Curling will remain closed for a further week.  

It is now expected to reopen on Monday 2nd November 2020.

Most of the games lost by the first two weeks of shutdown have now been rescheduled and can be viewed on our Fixtures tab.  NB games with a grey background still await rescheduled.  Games with a yellow background are games that have been rescheduled.

Games originally scheduled for 14-10-20, 26-10-20 and 31-10-20 still await new dates.


Friday, 9 October 2020

Start - Stop

More news on rescheduled games will be announced - at some stage !


In addition - The Scottish Province Championships over the weekend 6-11 Nov 2020 at Greenacres has been postponed




Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Wingate - The New Normal

 Under the new social distanced regime, the Wingate got under way last night.

Maybe it was the lack of a live audience or maybe some people really need two sweepers but both games resulted in surprise winners. All the winners of the Rosebowl, going back to season 2014-15, were beaten!  Is THIS the new normal?

Our reigning champion, Dave Munro was defeated by Willie Kerr 6 - 3.  Willie was the victor in 2014-15.

Meanwhile Willie's newly promoted daughter Rowena beat her fellow 'Young One' and new father Sandy Nicoll, the 2018-19 champion 7 - 4.  Is this too many sleepless nights for Sandy or have the Kerrs been secretly training under cover of lockdown ?

Answers will follow.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

RCCC Rink Champs & Swan Fixtures

 RCCC Rink Champs & Swan have now had their finalised draws made.

Please note that fixture dates and times have changed from those initially intimated.

The good news is that we have secured a bye in the Swan and are straight through to the semi finals where we will face either Corstorphine or Currie & Balerno. (ouch!)

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Session Times Updates etc - and yet more Covid Info

The session times on the syllabus (Fixtures tab) have now been updated to give the CORRECT times based on Murrayfield's allocation of 'stagger times'.  Dates for Province Competitions have also been added.


We have also added a complete list of players and reserves at the bottom of the fixtures page.

Please note   There is some conflicting information for the new 'sweeper rules'.  We previously stated that the designated sweeper (one only per stone) would sweep between the hog lines only.  New information suggests that they sweep from the delivery hog line all the way to the tee line.  As there is no sweeping allowed behind the tee, the skips (lazy) will take no part in active sweeping.


Scottish Curling have provided a short video on new arrangements (NB Parts of this may be varied based on individual ice rinks facilities) :-

Monday, 7 September 2020

Updates 7-9-20

Please note that the following updates have been made :-

  • Covid Risk Assessment updated to reflect Murrayfield Guidelines.
  • Curl Edin's - Return to Curling Protocols has been added to the Covid Tab
  • Draw/Dates for the RCCC Rink Champs has been added to the Fixtures
  • Dates (but not draw or times) for Swan Trophy have been added to fixtures

Monday, 31 August 2020

Club Games - Fixtures

The fixture list has been added to the Fixtures tab - for club games only.  Province and external games will be added when we are informed.

NB. Due to sheets having staggered start times the times indicated are the earliest session times - Some games will start up to 30 minutes later.  The exact times will be added when we are notified.  This list is to allow you to start making your plans.

COVID-19 Return to Curling

As required by SportScotland, the club has made the following appointment


If you have any queries please contact Graeme. This also means that in the event of an outbreak the Covid Officer will be the first point of contact by the authorities, particularly in respect of Track & Trace.

We have added a Covid-19 tab to our website.  On this you will find ESSENTIAL information about returning to curling.  Included on the page are:-

  • Club Risk Assessment.
  • NHS Covid Symptom Chart (also below)

This must be read by ALL members prior to attending any curling session.  This will be updated as guidelines from Scot Gov, SportScotland, Scottish Curling, Murrayfield Curling are issued. (Updates will be marked)

It is particularly that score cards are fully completed with FULL names (Christian & Surname), Date, Time, Sheet number and passed to the Covid Officer immediately - either in person of electronically (photograph and email/WhatsApp).  NB. The person responsible for the card should complete the above info at the start of the session as it will also be photographed for Track & Trace purposes by Murrayfield.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Summer Cleaning and COVID

We were one of the fortunate few clubs that manged to complete our season and have our dinner before the pandemic hit our shores .  It has still had its effect on us with the cancellation of the AGM and the skips selection meeting.  As a result, the teams for next season were drawn rather than selected.  The rinks can be seen on the fixtures tab.

We are delighted to see that some faces from the past will be back playing next season.  These include Kath Dun, Simon Kesley, Andrew McDiarmid and Richard Taylor.

We are pleased that we have managed to retain 5 rinks in each competition, although we have decided to cancel our opening bonspiel and our participation in the RCCC Medal.

Of necessity, our curling will look different in the coming year.  Arrangements are still being thrashed out between the government, Scottish Curling and Murrayfield.  In the meantime, the following changes are probable:-

Start Times - session times will start at different times on different sheets, adjacent sheets will commence 30 minutes apart, ie sheets 1,3,5 & 7 will start at the same time, while 2, 4 & 6 will start 30 minutes later.

Changing rooms - Please arrive dressed to go curling (with the exception of shoes) as there may not be changing facilities.

One Way -  There will be a one way system with separate entrance/exit doors.

Payments - ALL payments will be via your membership card - No cash payments.

Cafe/Bar - We are unsure what extent these will be available.

Playing - It is probable that there will only be one sweeper per stone, with sweepers restricted to BETWEEN the hog lines. (Skips will sweep, if they can be bothered, from the hog.  No sweeping of opposition stones)

Face Coverings - It has not yet been decided if face coverings will be required on ice, but should be worn elsewhere.  Further info when it has been received.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Club Sponsorship

After many, many years of support, I am sad to report that John Watson of Watson Seeds will no longer be sponsoring our club.
Their support has been invaluable over the years and commenced at a time when our club's finances were in a poor state.  Their very generous contributions have enabled us to help subsidise, particularly, the pairs competition and also help us to get our finances into the relatively healthy situation that we are now in.  Their sponsorship will be sadly missed.
We are indebted to W. N Lindsay Ltd for the continuation of their sponsorship.

Should any member have suggestions or contacts that can help bridge the gap, please let Graeme, Shelagh or Willie know.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Historical Notes

For your amusement (or otherwise) for the summer.
Prompted by my visit to 'our old curling pond' I have been checking through some of our minute books and found some of these facts interesting. So I thought I would share them:-
After several years of discussion our 'Artificial Rink Committee' was reformed in 1909 and by 1911 a proposal for a 3 sheet rink (tar surface) was proposed at the Gas Works site at a cost of £134 (£15,900 equiv).  In the end this site proved not to be suitable but Dr Martine offered use of his field in Court Street.  The cost of the lease was to be £5/Yr (£600 equiv).
Instructions were given to proceed in 1912 by which time the cost had risen to £200 (£23,750) - full costings, gas, electricity, mason etc are in the minute books.
The artificial rink was complete with gas lighting and play instructed to finish by 10.30pm
The ice fees for non-members were 1/- (£6) for 2 hours
If the artificial lighting was required an additional charge of 3d (£1.50) per person for 2 hours.
During the war years half price was to be charged for 'men in uniform'.
The artificial pond was given up in 1923/24.
Curling ceased on the main pond in 1928.

Membership fees and Club Funds.
in 1912 the club had a 'Joining Fee' of £1/1/- (£124 equiv)
and its membership fee was 15/- (£ 90 equiv)
Club funds varied, I guess partially due to maintenance costs on the pond and the artificial pond.  The following are equivalent rates allowing for inflation.
In 1908 our club funds at the AGM were declared as £5,600
In 1914 our club funds at the AGM were declared as £11,850
In 1923 our club funds at the AGM were declared as £ 350.
Last game of the season 1895

Clubhouse and winning Wood Trophy Team 1900
Pond with swans 1929

Pond April 2020 (I just missed the heron)

CV19 - update

Well, due to our early season finish, we were one of the few clubs that managed to complete our fixtures (with the exception of hosting some Canadians) and get through our  Dinner and Prize giving before all hell broke loose.
I hope that all our members, and curlers from all over the world are keeping well and safe and that none of us experience too much tragedy over the next few weeks.
We have had to postpone our AGM and hopefully will be able to reschedule before too long.
We have all got to hope and plan that this will go away eventually and that we can look forward to a reasonable normal season next year.
With that in mind, Shelagh will be contacting you all for your playing intentions for next year, in the next few weeks or so.  PLEASE respond promptly, in order that we can negotiate the ice that we will need.
In the meantime, STAY SAFE, and have as good a summer as the virus will allow us.

Monday, 9 March 2020

Annual Dinner

Another thoroughly enjoyable dinner and prize giving at the Open Arms.  Our guest, David Hay gave a fascinating talk on playing/coaching at World Championships almost half a century apart.  The night was rounded off with some informal chat, after of course, the raffle which was carried out at break neck speed.
Next up, the AGM.
Remember that more photos can be found on our Flickr feed - see links on the right.

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Rennie - 1 round to go

With only one game night left in the Rennie, Team Morgan take over the top slot.
Could Morgan be the first Oldie to win the Rennie for 3 years - with the last two years having been won by his son and daughter.  He currently sits at the top by one point BUT the Rowena Squad have a game in hand.  A win or a peel should be enough for the junior domination of the Rennie to continue. 
Who though is their final match against?
It's a battle of the Juniors.  There is more than just pride at stake, a win may secure third and a podium spot for Karen's Team.  Will the juniors throw in some 'team orders' ? (I doubt it).
Meanwhile the other game will be between James Pate's Rink and Team Aberdein.  James has already secured the 'strong' position in the league (holding everyone else up) while Andy can record his best ever result with a third place finish.  Andy has a slender two end advantage over Karen, so a peel may not be enough.
The nerves will be jangling before the final dash for the podium on 20th February.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Dave strikes again

Dave Munro's season just keeps on getting better and better (hopefully this might jinx him and give the rest of us a chance). He and his Partner, Ian Donald went on to win the Haddington Pairs competition.  Having just edged out Keith Anderson & Jeff Lewis, to make it into the high road, they then changed gear.  A good win against Willie Kerr & Daniel Peart saw them up against Sandy Nicoll and Dave Wyllie in the final.  A score of 5 - 2 was good enough to crown them champions.
In the mean time James Pate & John Good were unlucky to go down to Karen Munro and John Harcourt, to fall into the Low Road.  A good win against Hamish Logan and Ali Harvey saw them against Morgan Nicoll and Margaret Harcourt in the final, where they took a close 5 - 3 victory to claim the remaining silverware.
Full results are on the results tab above.

Sunday, 19 January 2020

Province Double

Congratulations to Dave Munro and his team of Willie Kerr, Elinor Logan and Colin Baird for taking the E.L Province Bonspiel title only a few days after Dave managed to capture the Knockout crown.
Mention has to go to Haddington's second team who pinched third place in the Bonspiel.  The following report comes from the Province website:-
Congratulations to Haddington who performed admirably to finish First AND Third in the Bonspiel.
Haddington 1 took a sizeable lead from the first round and added another good win in the second round to produce a score of +17.  Meanwhile the defending champions Johnny Shedden's Athelstaneford 1 had a middle ranked win in round one and then punished their opposition by taking the second game by the largest margin of the day, to end up 2 shots behind on +15.
These two teams were the far ahead of the pack, which was headed by Haddington 2 on a score of  +3.

Wednesday, 15 January 2020

President v Vice President

A full turn out of 16 players saw a tight overall battle between the two sides.  Admittedly this was as a result of two slightly one sided games ! 
The final result saw Vice President James Pate and his deputy Sandy Nicoll prevail.
The night was followed by a capacity supper in the club rooms.
The photo on the left is proof that I need to take some updated pics !

Province Champions

Congratulations to Dave Munro and his team of James Logan, Sandy Nicoll and Hamish Logan who
secured the Province Knockout Championship (and extended our lead in overall wins).
The following report appeared on the Province Website:-
Semi Finals:
Haddington v Aberlady.
Following a mix-up Haddington arrived one man short, after frantic phone calls the fourth player was rustled up but was a full hour late resulting in a 3 shot penalty.  Despite this their very experienced line up was no match for the youngsters fielded by Aberlady, who still performed well.  Haddington ran out the winners with a final score of 12 - 8

Haddington v Yester
This proved to be a high quality and enthralling game to watch with Dave Munro's Haddington team pitted against Sandy Stewart's Yester rink.  On very swingy ice the lead changed several times as a result of magnificent take outs and draws (even through ports).  Haddington went into the final end 1 shot up but without the hammer but managed to hold the Yester squad to a single to peel the game
5 - 5.  Sandy Stewart went to draw the shot and came up biting the four foot but Dave Munro quelled their silent jubilation by placing his stone directly on the pot lid.  Therefore it is Haddington that will go forward to represent the Province in the National Province Championship Finals in Greenacres in Oct/Nov 2020.

Congratulations to Haddington's team of Dave Munro, James Logan, Sandy Nicoll and Hamish Logan.

The prizes will be presented after our Province Bonspiel on Friday 17th January 2020