Next Fixtures & Updates

  • *12-3-25 Wed @ 14.00 - Waldie Griffith v Borders AT KELSO * REVISED DATE*
  • 11-3-25 Tue @ 18.00 - Wingate 3 v 4
  • 16-3-25 Sun from 12.45 - EL Bonspiel v Athelstaneford & ???
  • 20-3-25 Thrs @ 20.15 - Skins A (Rennie) v Wingate winners
  • 4-4-25 Fri - Club Dinner & Prize Giving - Open Arms 19.00 for 19.30
  • Website last updated 6-3-25

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Late (Very Late) Bowling Night News

I am prompted by finding the score cards that I have not yet reported on the Summer Bowling night, so.......

The weather was not quite as kind to us as last year but despite the mizzle, an assortment of members arrived.  Following a quick drink, it was noted that the rain had stopped so 5 teams took to the green, under the watchful eyes of Gill and Muriel.  Not wanting to tempt the weather gods a quick competition was held under the midge free Gifford skies and the team of Morgan and President John ran out easy winners.  The scores (for the record) were:-
Morgan & John      +12
James & Roy          +7
Liz & David            +5
Shelagh & Graeme  -1
Anon & Anon        -24

Again drink (for the non drivers) was taken while the winners were presented with large lollipops, which they were not allowed to start until they had finished their sandwiches and snacks, laid on by the Bowling Club.

A big thanks are due to both the Bowling Club and to James Pate for helping organise the event.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Watch your letter boxes

With only 5 1/2  weeks until our first game, the website is getting its annual clean.
This is being done as the Syllabus and associated paperwork is being printed, so expect it to be coming through your door in the next few days.
Already the Fixture List on the website has been updated and contains full team information for the main competitions.
Remember, when you get your syllabus to check all the competitions for your name and not just the main leagues.

The printer has stopped and needs fed, so watch your letterbox for the big brown envelope.