Next Fixtures & Updates

  • *12-3-25 Wed @ 14.00 - Waldie Griffith v Borders AT KELSO * REVISED DATE*
  • 11-3-25 Tue @ 18.00 - Wingate 3 v 4
  • 16-3-25 Sun from 12.45 - EL Bonspiel v Athelstaneford & ???
  • 20-3-25 Thrs @ 20.15 - Skins A (Rennie) v Wingate winners
  • 4-4-25 Fri - Club Dinner & Prize Giving - Open Arms 19.00 for 19.30
  • Website last updated 6-3-25

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Haddington Skins 2012

The Skins competition this year was a nail biting affair.  The winners of last years competitions squared off against each other with Willie Kerr substituting for James Logan and Graeme Maguire replacing Colin Baird in the Rennie team (Colin being in BOTH winning teams last season.).
With a final scoreline of 12 - 4 to Dave Munro's Wingate team of Shelagh Main, Colin Baird and Frank Brogan, it may seem strange to say that it all came down to the last stone but that is the way skins can work.
After a winning start from Willie, Dave took the next three ends before Willie picked up 3 skins at the fifth end leaving Dave's team leading by 5 - 4.  No skins were won at the sixth end leaving 7 to be won on the final end.  Willie had a double take-out for the win with his last shot but narrowly missed taking only the one and leaving Dave to pick up the 7 skins by stealing a single shot.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Province Competition Draws

The draws for the Province Competitions  can now be seen at the bottom of the Fixtures Page.

Monday, 22 October 2012

RCCC Rink Championships - Rnd 1

Fresh from his recent defeat in the Rennie, Willie Kerr led his team of James Pate, Rowena Kerr and Graeme Maguire in to their first round match against Gogar Park.  This was always going to be a tricky first round game and Willie decided to skip and play lead stones.
Both teams were had opportunities to build big ends but neither managed to capitalise.  After the first couple of ends, with Gogar leading 2 shots to one, singles were traded following a pattern of Haddington scoring to draw level and then Gogar moving ahead by a single shot again.
They do say that you only have to lead a game at one point and indeed at one shot down and sitting with a single, James had a draw for a two and the match.  He obviously didn't fancy having to draw the shot to decide the match and made sure that his last stone counted.  Haddington scored their first 2 shot end of the day to take the game.
Next up, The Barbarians on 17th November.............

Friday, 19 October 2012

Rennie Underway

Our Thirds competition got under way last night with decisive wins for Shelagh and our new skip Colin Baird.
Results, as ever will appear on the Results Page (D'oh, where else !) as the season progresses.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Way to go Karen Munro

copyright - Kinross Classic website
October seems to be a great month for Karen.  For the last 2 years her team, skipped by Rebecca Steven, has been the winners of the Dunvegan Trophy.
This year, assisted by Jennifer Paul and Claire Dagen they have gone on to win the Kinross Junior Classic.  Previous winners have included numerous World and Scottish senior and junior champions, so no pressure there Karen.  Congratulations from all in the club.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Wingate Underway

The Wingate Rosebowl competition got under-way last night at Murrayfield.  First blood went to Dave, the current champion and Andy McD.  Both games produced close results with only 2 and 1 shot separating the winners from the losers.
The results are now posted on the Results page and will be updated throughout the season.

Website Problems

I have been having problems with the website recently. It has recently been upgraded and is now not playing nicely with my browser for posting items, results etc.
If anyone is experiencing problems viewing the site, please let me know.

Syllabus Errors - Oops

The Secretary
Apologies to anyone inconvenienced with the wrong start time for last nights match published in the Syllabus.  I don't know how this slipped through, but thanks to Shelagh spotting it just in time for me to text players.
Please also note that the SKINS match  on Monday 29th October is at 5.30 not 7.30 as previously published.

This has now been corrected on the fixtures page of the website and by hand to the copies of the Syllabus on our noticeboard at Murrayfield (Please help yourselves to copies).

Monday, 1 October 2012


This is just a reminder that the first Wingate games are due on ice on Wednesday (1st Oct) at 5.30.
The first Rennie games are on Thursday 18th October at 5.30.

Remember, if your name is on the card and you cannot play, it is YOUR responsibility to find reserve and to let your skip know.

Would all skips please contact their rinks before their first games.

Would anyone intending to come to our president's drinks on Friday 12th October from 7.30 pm please RSVP to either Shelagh or Graeme.

There are still a few outstanding subscriptions.  These are now overdue, please contact Graeme and arrange payment if you think you may be in arrears.

A revised Syllabus (as at 1-10-12)  has been emailed to all members, the minor revisions have been indicated in BLUE.  There will be hard copies of this revised syllabus on the club noticeboard at Murrayfield (at the end of sheet 5/6), please help yourselves.

Edinburgh Curling Club - membership
All our members are members of ECC.  If Haddington is your mother club please see Graeme or Shelagh, after a game and ask for your membership card/sticker.

Come & Try/ Junior/ Open Coaching
Following 2 successful sessions we have a further coaching session arranged for Sunday 18th November 2012 at 8pm.  This is open to anyone wanting some practice/ coaching, but places are limited and will be prioritised.  If you know of anyone who may want to try curling, or you want to come along yourself, please contact Graeme.

Finally ????  (well probably not)
Have a good season and see you on the ice.